There is nothing more irritating than turning on your faucet only to have droplets of water drip from the spout. Low water pressure is a common problem many homeowners have to contend with. There are times when we experience high water demand in Edmond, and many of us deal with low-pressure faucets and showers.
If you experience this problem, trust the experts at Hi-Tech Plumbing & Leak Detect for professional and superior service.
Too Many Faucets are Running at Once
If you live with multiple people, then there is a chance you and your family run the faucets simultaneously. Say you’re running the dishwasher, your spouse is in the shower, your daughter is doing laundry, and your son is watering the plants. All these activities may result in high water demand. Your home’s plumbing system may not be able to handle synchronous water usage. An easy solution is to make a schedule on who gets to turn on the faucet at what time.
Leaking Pipes
Cracks and holes in your pipes can harm your water pressure. Leaks not only affect water pressure, but they can also cause mold and mildew, stained walls, and significant flooding. These can result in both cosmetic and structural damage to your home.
If you hear unusual noises such as whooshing or hissing coming from taps, faucets, or toilets that aren’t in use, this indicates a possible leak. Call a Hi-Tech Plumbing & Leak Detect professional before this minor issue becomes a catastrophic disaster.
Pipe Buildup
Mineral buildup often constricts regular water flow throughout pipes. Mineral buildup is a common occurrence in Edmond due to the additional minerals in our water. Older pipes are also prone to buildup because they typically start to corrode after one hundred years or so, leaving buildup.
Faulty Pressure Regulator
The job of a pressure regulator is to sustain a balanced water flow. It regulates the municipal water pressure before the water enters your home’s main water line.
The optimal water pressure is about 50 pounds per square inch (psi), but sometimes pressures go as high as 150 up to 200 psi. High water pressure can cause leaks, failed joints, and malfunctioning appliances.
Closed Water Valves
Your home most likely has two main water valves, a water meter valve, and the main shut-off valve. Low water pressure suggests that one of these valves is partially closed.
Damaged Faucets and Fixtures
Sometimes the problem isn’t as big as it may seem. If water flow is only slow on one faucet or showerhead, then that specific fixture may be broken or malfunctioning. It could either be clogged or in need of replacement.
Contact the Experts
Hi-Tech Plumbing & Leak Detect experts evaluate plumbing issues, low water pressure, clogged pipes, and leaky pipes. We repair pressure regulators and pipes, fix clogged drains, and install and maintain water heaters. Give us a call today!